Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Changing Database name with nid in oracle

To change the database name

old name = hello
New name(to be changed) =hey

Pre requisite: Create pfile from spfile;

Sql> shut immediate;
         startup mount;

nid target=sys/oracle dbname=hey setname=yes

it will show control file locations and asks yes/no

enter yes

It will complete the name change. If any problem it will return error

Once its done.

Edit pfile to reflect the new name of database including filename.

Create a new password file
orapwd file=orapwhey password=heyhey entries=3

After this set environment variables and startup as normal.

You can also use the following syntax

nid target=sys/oracle@catalog as sysdba dbname=catalog1

I got an error saying dbname failed error saying open cursors not enough. I increased open cursors and restarted it and ran same command again and it completed fine..

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Partitioning and formatting new drive in linux with fidsk


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Brief introduction into Materialized Views

Great Article.. See here

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