Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kkqojeanl()+1080] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x7FFFDD95FFE8] [PC:0x9741CA4] [Address not mapped to object] []

It is extremely poor practice to create such SQL statements with huge inlist.

You should use a temp table to hold the inlist elements (so they just do
select from table where column in (select column from temp table). Or you
can change the sql to use range predicates as necessary, ie instead of IN
(1,2,3....100) us between 1 and 100.

Refer Note ORA-07445 [kkqojeanl()] Internal Error for Query with Large Number of Elements in an IN List ( Doc ID 1577011.1 ) for details.


Dump file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx1/incident/incdir_238166/xxx1_ora_60184_i238166.trc
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, Oracle Label Security,
OLAP, Data Mining, Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing option
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
System name: Linux
Node name: xxx.hke.local
Release: 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek
Version: #1 SMP Tue May 27 13:20:24 PDT 2014
Machine: x86_64
Instance name: xxx1
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 71
Unix process pid: 60184, image: oracle@xxx.hke.local

*** 2015-09-23 20:29:19.996
*** SESSION ID:(1477.55347) 2015-09-23 20:29:19.996
*** CLIENT ID:() 2015-09-23 20:29:19.996
*** SERVICE NAME:(xxx) 2015-09-23 20:29:19.996
*** MODULE NAME:(sas@xxx(TNS V1-V3)) 2015-09-23 20:29:19.996
*** ACTION NAME:() 2015-09-23 20:29:19.996

Dump continued from file: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx1/trace/xxx1_ora_60184.trc
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kkqojeanl()+1080] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x7FFFDD95FFE8] [PC:0x9741CA4] [Address not mapped to object] []

========= Dump for incident 238166 (ORA 7445 [kkqojeanl()+1080]) ========
----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) -----
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x7FFFDD95FFE8] [PC:0x9741CA4, kkqojeanl()+1080] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
%rax: 0x0000000000000000 %rbx: 0x00007f6e37379a98 %rcx: 0x0000000000000000
%rdx: 0x00007fffdf953b00 %rdi: 0x00007f6e37379a98 %rsi: 0x00007f6e2e3ac2c0
%rsp: 0x00007fffdd95fff0 %rbp: 0x00007fffdd960050 %r8: 0x0000000000000800
%r9: 0x00007fffdf953f68 %r10: 0x0000000000000002 %r11: 0x0000000000000168
%r12: 0x00007f6e2e3ac380 %r13: 0x00007fffdf953b00 %r14: 0x00007f6e37379a98
%r15: 0x00007f6e3737bf60 %rip: 0x0000000009741ca4 %efl: 0x0000000000010206
kkqojeanl()+1069 (0x9741c99) test %r13,%r13
kkqojeanl()+1072 (0x9741c9c) je 0x9741cae
kkqojeanl()+1074 (0x9741c9e) mov %rbx,%rdi
kkqojeanl()+1077 (0x9741ca1) mov %r13,%rdx
> kkqojeanl()+1080 (0x9741ca4) call 0x974186c
kkqojeanl()+1085 (0x9741ca9) jmp 0x974189b
kkqojeanl()+1090 (0x9741cae) pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
kkqojeanl()+1094 (0x9741cb2) movaps %xmm0,-0x60(%rbp)
kkqojeanl()+1098 (0x9741cb6) mov 0x10(%r12),%rsi

*** 2015-09-23 20:29:19.998
dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x3, level=3, mask=0x0)
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=cd6jawx2cj0y8) -----

select * from REPAIR_ORDER_COMMENT where extract(YEAR from EFF_TO_DATE)=9999 and ( REPAIR_ORDER_ID in ( '668', '715', '716', '1596', '1763', '5397', '5508', '5509', '5510', '6314', '7680', '7681', '11218', '13071', '13072', '13600', '14145', '14155', '15487', '15488', '15729', '16881', '18101', '18282', '18486', '18487', '18673', '18740', '19232', '19368', '20210', '20345', '20953', '22525', '22526', '23292', '23972', '23973', '23974', '27713', '30020', '31079', '32982', '32983', '32984', '32985', '33040', '33041', '33193', '33194', '33195', '35543', '37184', '37191', '37275', '38414', '38415', '38416', '41028', '42358', '44795', '46743', '48008', '48361', '48362', '48929', '49420', '49741', '49742', '50875', '51888', '51889', '51890', '52323', '52324', '52665', '53325', '53604', '56251', '56252', '56253', '58806', '58973', '59153', '59595', '59596', '59676', '59756', '59776', '60320', '60613', '60614', '60615', '60951', '61342', '61343', '61752', '61753', '61772', '62773', '63085', '63605', '64975', '64976', '64977', '65323', '65554', '68067', '68068', '70924', '71218', '72071', '72072', '73185', '73520', '74489', '74557', '74888', '75019', '75020', '75021', '75022', '77706', '77825', '77826', ...............................

----- Call Stack Trace -----

skdstdst <- ksedst1 <- ksedst <- dbkedDefDump <- ksedmp
<- ssexhd <- sighandler <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl
<- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl
<- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl
<- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl
<- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl
<- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- kkqojeanl <- 0000000009741CCE <- kkqojeanl
<- kkqojeanlCB <- qksqbApplyToQbc <- kkqdrv <- opiSem <- opiprs
<- kksParseChildCursor <- rpiswu2 <- kksLoadChild <- kxsGetRuntimeLock <- kksfbc
<- kkspsc0 <- kksParseCursor <- opiosq0 <- kpooprx <- kpoal8
<- opiodr <- ttcpip <- opitsk <- opiino <- opiodr
<- opidrv <- sou2o <- opimai_real <- ssthrdmain <- main
<- libc_start_main <- start

 Oracle Support - 12+ hours ago  [ODM Issue Clarification]

Following error in the alert log file :-

Wed Sep 23 20:29:19 2015
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x7FFFDD95FFE8] [PC:0x9741CA4, kkqojeanl()+1080] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx1/trace/xxx1_ora_60184.trc (incident=238166):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kkqojeanl()+1080] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x7FFFDD95FFE8] [PC:0x9741CA4] [Address not mapped to object] []
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx1/incident/incdir_238166/xxx1_ora_60184_i238166.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
Wed Sep 23 20:29:22 2015
Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20150923202922], requested by (instance=1, osid=60184), summary=[incident=238166].
Wed Sep 23 20:29:25 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Schema Size

   sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as size_in_gig, 
group by 

Scan listener down even if it is up

Some times oem shows scan listener status down even if it is up.

Problem is with configuration.

While creating a listener_scan target in oem it stores internally on which host the listener is active.

When a scan listener is failed over to another node and still up on oem it shows down as in oem config it is checking on a different node.

If that is the case

do the following

In my case listener_scan3 is showing down

bash-3.2$ ./srvctl status scan_listener
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is enabled
SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is running on node hmaistmsdb2
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN2 is enabled
SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN2 is running on node hmaistmsdb1
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN3 is enabled
SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN3 is running on node hmaistmsdb1

scan3 is running on node1 but in oem its pointing towards node  2

So we need to relocate the scan listener to node 2.

bash-3.2$ ./srvctl relocate scan_listener -i 3 -n hmaistmsdb2

3 refers to listener_scan3 in above

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Encrypted tablespace creation and moving tables to encrypted TBS


After that create table using following

create table test(id number) tablespace HMA_ENCRYPT_DATA;


We can move existing table using

alter table STG_VEHICLE_STATUS_HMMA_UPD move tablespace hma_encrypt_data;

After moving tables indexes become unsuable. So rebuild index as follows

alter index cool rebuild tablespace hma_encrypt_index;

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

kill oracle sql session at os level

SELECT s.inst_id,
FROM   gv$session s
       JOIN gv$process p ON p.addr = s.paddr AND p.inst_id = s.inst_id
WHERE  s.type != 'BACKGROUND' and SID=1444;

replace sid with your sid.

then login to server

kill -9 spid

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