Friday, January 15, 2016

oswatcher and Exawatcher

For text based report
java -jar oswbba.jar -i /export/home/oracle/scripts/logs -A

For HTML reports
java -jar oswbba.jar -i /export/home/oracle/scripts/logs -P rac_perf_grac1

To start oswatcher

./ 30 48 NONE /opt/app/oracle/tfa/repository/suptools/hmaipsubdb12/oswbb/oracle/archive/

30 means intervals

48 means retention 2 days

None means nothing we can use gzip etc

4th is location where we are planning to store the dat files

On Exadata to collect exawatcher results over a period of time

cd /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher

./ --from 04/27/2017_04:30:00 --to 04/27/2017_06:30:00

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Find number of rows and size by simple query

select table_name, num_rows, blocks/64 "SIZE_MB"
     from dba_tables where table_name = 'CAP_TH_CAMPAIGN_VEHICLE';

blocks/64 depends on following parameter in db.. change accordingly.. size is approximate..

db_file_multiblock_read_count        integer  64

Monday, January 11, 2016

Exadata useful commands cellcli

Exadata useful commands

cellcli>  List cell detail

this gives all the details related to storage cell server

cellcli> list alerthistory

Displays all the alerts sent

cellcli> list alerthistory 1 detail

lists alert detail with additional information

cellcli> drop alerthistory 1,2,3

Drops alerthistory so it wont repeat alerts and also if you clear all alerts it wont send weekly alert summary report

cellcli> alter cell smtpToAddr='xxx-DBA-Alerts@xxx.local,xxxunix@xxx.local'

Configure email alerts. You can modify email above to your liking to recieve alerts

CellCLI> alter cell validate mail

If there is an error it will show here or it will send an test email.

CellCLI> drop quarantine all;

Drops all the quarantined sql before

Cellcli> list offload group

If cellsrv crashes some times offload group will be in stopped state. To check the status use above commands

cellcli> alter offloadgroup <group_name> restart;

To restart the offload group


Cell server Alert log location
/opt/oracle/cell/log/diag/asm/cell/{node name}/trace/alert.log


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