Monday, February 29, 2016

check db version psu and patchset

select comments, version, bundle_series
from sys.registry$history
where bundle_series = 'PSU'
order by action_time;
select comments Last_patch from dba_registry_history order by action_time desc;

Thursday, February 4, 2016

role to sys database vault

Getting an error when exporting full db with db vault installed even with sys user

grant dv_realm_resource to sys;
grant dv_realm_owner to sys;
grant dv_owner to sys;

grant above rules by logging in as db vault owner

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Apply Patch 22191577 latest GI PSU to RAC and DB homes using Opatch auto or manual steps

Patch 22191577: GRID INFRASTRUCTURE PATCH SET UPDATE (JAN2016) Unzip the patch 22191577 Unzip latest Opatch Version in or...